Fading Books
A photographic study of declining reading habits.
Reading for pleasure enriches our lives, much like art, it can provide an escape for the imagination, lift our spirits and take us on a somatic and mental journey.
However since the rise of consumer technology the rates have dramatically fallen.
In a recent survey it was found that the average American spends 170 minutes per day watching T.V, every day of the year.
This is sadly 10 times the amount of time they devote to reading for pleasure.
In addition some 300 minutes are spent on mobile devices and 135 minutes per day on social media. Perhaps some reading is consumed in these activities but the quality is dubious.
Since 2004 reading for pleasure has dropped by 30%
The various benefits of reading are being lost, for when we read, not only are we improving our working memory, but research has shown that it makes us feel better and more positive too, thus improving the quality of our lives.
Science has shown that reading has some incredible health benefits, including helping with depression, cutting stress, and reducing the chances of developing Alzheimer’s later in life.
I was recently visiting my local bookshop and was impressed by the colourful array of books on offer.
The display was enchanting and I began to wonder about a photo project.
In exploring the vibrancy and shapes on display in the book shop, I found by abstracting the view (defocusing), another language emanated. An emotive and colour filled vista revealed itself.
To offer a visual reference to the written word through colour and form.
By spending some time with each image within this work, you may be drawn into a discovery of what colour forms appear, what textures and shadows are revealed and how you interact with them. Thus with these components, you make a visual story. An interactive
As the saying goes…” a picture is worth a thousand words”…somewhat ironic given the subject matter.
Fading Books
By Simon Rose.